Frequently Asked Question

Windows Print Troubleshooting - "Not Available or Installed Correctly"
Last Updated 3 years ago

If you are receiving an error message similar to "Not available or Installed Correctly" when attempting to print, or print jobs are simply not getting sent to the printer you may need to update the printer driver on your computer.  This does happen automatically over time, but you can force it to happen quicker by deleting and re-adding the printer.  Take the following steps to do so.

  1. Open up your start menu and start to type out 'Printers & scanners'.  In the search results, you should see 'Printers & Scanners' listed there.  Click on it.
  2. Click on the affected printer and an button labelled 'Remove Device' should appear which you should select.  Follow any dialog prompts to confirm removal of the printer.
  3. Follow the steps outlined in Adding a Printer to a Windows 10 Device to reconnect to the printer you just deleted.
  4. Re-boot computer after following step 3.

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