Frequently Asked Question

Releasing Print Jobs with Badges
Last Updated 2 years ago

Use this Article if:  You are having trouble using your Badge to print at Papercut Printers.

Papercut Printers are those large printers/scanners located in Staff workrooms and Hubs, that appear as "Find Me Print" in the list of printers. 

First try to sign in to the Papercut Printer you sent the print job/document to. Use your CPS username and password, sign into Papercut as you would on any CPS computer. 

If you cannot sign in this way, contact IT by making a ticket or replying to your initial ticket. 

If you can sign into Papercut using username and password, then you now need to associate your Badge with your account. 

To sync your Badge with your account, 

1. Log out of your account on the Printer (Door Icon with an arrow, in the top right of the screen)

2. Swipe your Badge

3. Enter your username and password as you did before

4. Now your Badge should allow you to swipe in to release documents, without entering your username and password. 

Note: Currently, you will need to complete this process with your Badge anytime you use a different Papercut printer for the first time. 

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